Quick tip: For the “L” of it

For the longest time, I resisted spending real money on a lens. Going with name-brand, high-dollar lenses was just paying for a name, I thought.

Then, though a combination of a sale that was too good to pass up, a couple of gigs that paid pretty well and some frustration at my the-current walking-around lens… I took the plunge on some Canon “L” glass. And I’m never going back.

There’s no long-winded analysis here, no wordy explanation of the pros and cons. If you’re a Canon shooter, just whip out your wallet and dive in. From build quality to image quality (I didn’t think there’d be a noticeable difference, but whoa), spend the money. You won’t regret it. I’ve since bought another one, and when we refresh our camera rigs later this year, all of the new bodies will come with “L” glass attached.

Dumping money into lenses isn’t like dumping money into camera bodies. The pace of improvements in camera bodies is pretty quick, but lenses lag behind. You may replace or upgrade a camera body every couple of years, but a quality lens will last you for substantially longer. I’ve known guys who had a couple of decades clocked in with some nice glass.

And yeah, they’re expensive compared to the alternatives. But they’re not that expensive. If you’re not averse to well-kept used lenses, check out KEH.com to save some money.

Quick tip: Get that voice on both sides!

It’s the little things that make a difference. When I’m rolling with just one lavalier mic, it goes into just one channel of audio. This means that when it’s pulled into the computer, all of the talent’s lines go to one speaker.

Protip: Stereo audio is important. Here’s why, and here’s how to fix it in Premiere Pro.

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Quick tip: Find your inspiration space

Running low on ideas? Think about where you got your last one.

No, seriously. What was happening around you the last time that you had a eureka-aha-holy-crap-that’s-a-great-thought moment? Chances are it wasn’t the first time that you’ve had inspiration there.

For me, it’s two places: a stretch between my dad’s house and my own (but only when driving alone), and also behind the piano at my church. For some reason, those are the two places on this planet I’ve found where my mind gets in just the right place for crazy awesome ideas to bubble up to the surface.

There’s science behind it. If your brain is working hard on a problem, a little bit of distraction and a shot of dopamine can kick-start your subconscious into overdrive, making solutions suddenly pop up that your conscious mind might ordinarily suppress. That’s a gross oversimplification, but you can read more about it here.

So when you’re stuck… head to your inspiration space.